Uncategorized Lion Fish by user|Published June 12, 2015 This lion fish appears to be thinking Make My Day. Given their poison venom they can pretty much do whatever they want!
Published May 20, 2015 Pretty pest This is a Japanese beetle attacking a zinnia flower. It was shot with a Nanoha lens which shoots at 5:1 which is […]
Published September 12, 2015 Cloudland Trail Roan Mountain straddles North Carolina and Tennessee and the Appalachian trail runs along much of its ridge, reaching elevations over 6000 […]
Published March 21, 2018 Hawksbill Haven Hawksbills live in tropical seas around the world, using their sharp beaks to feed on sponges and other animals in the crevices […]
Published September 21, 2015 Frog Focus This is a green frog on the move. After spending his summer in a breeding pond, he is now in search of […]