Uncategorized Lion Fish by user|Published June 12, 2015 This lion fish appears to be thinking Make My Day. Given their poison venom they can pretty much do whatever they want!
Published July 28, 2015 Aerial pothole I am off on vacation, but only a half hour flight away from home. There were a lot of large clouds en […]
Published October 6, 2019 Old Friend. I recently returned from another visit to Costa Rica, a country I have visited so often that it is like being with […]
Published July 8, 2015 Fight or flight? This shot was taken at a moment of high bee drama. The bee on the flower has its front leg up as […]
Published July 12, 2015 Salamander waterfall I stopped to admire a miniature five foot waterfall on a small creek and noticed a pair of eyes peering out at […]